Calling people names, who disagree with your viewpoint, really isn't helpful to the conversation. Oh wait, I forgot, calling people names IS what we do, now, when someone disagrees with your viewpoint. Bully people into silence. It's a tactic that has worked for many years now (sadly).
Seriously though, Bush and Cheney made me scream at the television when they came on and declared war. What did we expect though? We voted in an oil bizillionaire and a war company CEO who is a trizillionaire. We did it again when we voted in Barack Hussein Obama II. Seriously?!? We voted in a name like that after 911? This man came out of nowhere and got elected. I still shake my head at that one. It's like we are trying to kill our nation.
Obama scares me because he isn't even pretending to play by the rules. (I already told you why Bush scared me.) It's been a long time since high school but I seem to remember that there are three branches to our federal government and there are rules that each of them are to play by to break up the powers. Obama just does end runs around them all (Cheney used to do it). Add to this problem the fact that we lost our news agencies a long time ago. So who is going to stand up and say "HEY".
Every now and again you'll see a clip of something along the lines of 'Obama just passed something he really can’t’ - but no one does anything!?!
I think we need to quit calling each other names and start doing some real talking so we can figure this out. Obama isn't a god. He's cute and all but . . . we really need to figure this out and hope we still have time.
The people they are giving us to elect aren't protecting America. By us fighting among ourselves, we aren't helping ourselves or protecting our future.
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