On this day the Lord has made . . .

As I was driving home from the grocery store I heard a man on the radio ask what we were leaving our children/grandchildren. He mentioned how he would choose, over any amount of money, the writings from his grandfather . . . if he had left any.

So, I have determined to create a diary/journal of what happened to me on this day(s) the Lord has granted me.

Friday, October 11, 2024

To my fellow Christians

To fellow Christians: I fell for the lies of the abortion industry for many years. What woke me up was seeing a picture on Facebook of a newborn baby. When I first glanced I thought that the baby looked just like my daughter when she was born. A head full of black hair jutting out all over the place and so tiny.

Then I took a second look after I realized that the baby was lying at a weird angle. Also, her limbs were all askew. Then, with horror, I saw that she was bloody and her limbs weren't just positioned funny - they were torn off and other chunks of her were put together like a jigsaw puzzle. You see, after an 'abortion', they have to put the baby back together to make sure they haven't left any pieces of the baby's body inside her mother. When it comes to killing babies - it is pretty black and white. Babies are dying horrendous deaths. They are being killed. Talk about the ultimate, most violent, child abuse. Jesus said we are to love God and to love each other. How is it love to take a person into a place to be painfully killed? How is it love to support an industry that profits off of the bodies of our babies and one that continues to corrupt our government, our scientific community, our judicial system, enables sexual abuse and trafficking, etc.? It isn't love. It is insanity and it is horrific and it must stop. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, friends . . . they are supposed to care and protect. They aren't supposed to kill. They just aren't. For those who did fall for the lies of the abortion industry, there is help. There are counseling services like Rachel's Vineyard or Support After Abortion. Rachel's Vineyard isn't just for the mother but for all who participated in the death of the baby. And we all know that we have Jesus who we can come to with our grief and our guilt. God is so good to us. But please don't advocate for death if you consider yourself a Christian. Always stand for life and always work for life - go that extra mile just like Jesus told us to - He showed us how to. Speak up for the orphans and those without a voice. Call up a pregnancy resource center near you. Offer to help out. Where I volunteer we do 2-two hour shifts answering phones a month. Another lady doesn't answer phones but she loves shopping at thrift stores. She is so cool. She finds the best baby clothes and maternity clothes. She takes them home washes them and brings them back. Another guy we call when we need repairs. A teenager volunteers and keeps our yard looking beautiful. If you know anyone who is bilingual please send them my way. We need interpreters. They don't even have to come in. They can call and speak to the client and then call us and tell us her needs. Or simply share information about pregnancy resource centers. We don't have the marketing budget that the abortion industry has. So many women don't know about us. Let them know there is help. Stop and think for a minute. If you weren't a Christian but you were near one and you were watching them. Wouldn't it confuse you to see them advocating for an act that kills a baby? Isn't that the complete opposite of what Jesus calls us to do? Please know that I'm not trying to guilt you with what I'm saying. But I do want you to think through what the world is telling you. Realize what is truly happening. Over 65 million babies have died a horrible death. That can't be justified. Don't be a part of it, please. Ask God to give you wisdom in this issue. Wisdom, courage, and the strength to follow through. Love you guys.

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Prayer List

  • Thank you Father thank you.
  • Lord, extend the kingdom of your Son.
  • O Merciful God, who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that thou hast made, nor desirest the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live; Have mercy upon all who know thee not as thou are revealed in the Gospel of thy Son. Take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of thy Word; and so fetch them home, blessed Lord to thy fold, that they may be one flock under one shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.
  • God please take the blinders from my children's heart and eyes. Please give them the gift of faith. Lord God, faith in you is so comforting and brings so much joy. Thank you!
  • God please bless Michael, Lindsay, and their families with faith, wisdom, and compassion. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • God thank you for the gift of my co-workers who have shown me that it is good to show that I am a Christian. It is more than okay, it is imperative that my faith shows, so that others can come to know you. Please make me into a shining light for you. Give me the words, and your wisdom, and please don't let me cause anyone to stumble.
  • God please be with my family/friends as they go through this time in their lives. Please give them strength and courage and wisdom and faith Lord.
  • God please guide the leaders of the world.
  • God please heal my children.
  • Please heal those that have asked for prayer.

Reading List

  • One Thousand Gifts ~ Ann Voskamp

