Anne keeps bringing up 'Jesus is love'. Which I attributed to the 60's chant and childhood song but I know she is right. Jesus is the love of my life. He is my Savior and redeemer. I belong to His Church and I am of His vine.
I woke up thinking I had an answer to questions. I just remember Christ going into the homes of sinners, and other times Him allowing them to touch Him, and He didn't recoil. (I'm smiling now. What a wonderful truth. How healing this thought is to my own soul because that means that I could touch Him too.) The woman who was behind him at the dinner and who brought the oil to annoint Him. He didn't even take notice of her. Even though everyone else took notice of her. They knew her as a whore or something along those lines. When Jesus did notice her He smiled when she attended to Him. He spoke of her love and used this instance to chastise those He was with. He used it as instruction for the rest of us.
This morning Audrey Assad shared a link:
I cried when I read his post. I felt his pain, his anguish and his strength.
He has the right answer. Not just for him but for us all. His sin is the same as my sin and he has the strength, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to beat his sin. His eyes are on the Lord and not on his own pain here on earth.
THAT is the answer. Keep your eyes on the Lord, on all things higher.
Heaven is eternal. This pasty life here on earth is temporary.
Last night Charlotte Evans and I attended The Screwtape Letters and C.S. Lewis brought in the fact that GOD created all the pleasure on this earth. GOD created PLEASURE. He gave us rules to follow when using this pleasure.
The world wants us lost in the pleasure and for us to define ourselves by this pleasure and to lose ourselves in the pursuit of pleasure but we HAVE to partake of the pleasures as God has outlined.
We need to stay in the word of God. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us. Once we are in His Word and we have the Holy Spirit to guide us then we will know when we are living in alignment with our Lord. Peace on earth can be ours, Joy even.
The homosexual issue is the same issue as the gambling issue or the sex outside of marriage issue or over-eating issue or gossiping issue . . . we must avoid sin. Sin is just a wedge used to drive us further from our Lord.
Hebrews 12: 1-2 speaks of the race. Instead of allowing your sin to define you. Think of your sin as part of the race you are running. Allow your God to define you and not your sin.
1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
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